Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Running Away

Why have I been running away from my power ?

Last night I had again a soul journey. The soul flew to the past and I saw the images and realized.

I saw my beloved hanging on a cross and I felt this killing sense of being forsaken, but also the killing sense of forsaking the One I love the most. I realized by accepting and allowing the omnipotence, I must have gone through that experience. How could I get a step further than the cross and not realize, in omnipotence, I become the responsible One for the physical suffering of a human body that occurred more than a 2000 years ago ?

I cried and cried and felt the agony and helplessness of the One on the cross, the feeling of being left behind, being abandoned and I felt at the same moment being forsaken and abandoned by the One hanging on the cross.

What an experience and what a pain to go through again. But it was necessary.
I thought about the story, Life of Pi. I realized the meaning of the scene where the lam was caught and killed by the Tiger and Saw the truth of the last scene of the movie, where the conclusion comes that Pi was the Tiger.

After feeling the whole experience I reminded myself not to get attached to the experience, I reminded myself, it's not me, it's just an experience but at the same time, I realized, it is Me, it is a part of me and I love that part, the part which represents the divine weakness in the physical eyes of the human I am and I was, at one hand and the greatness of the Divine residing in that body and in this body, which is way beyond the human suffering, on the other hand.

I am grateful for the experience.
This one was most probably the one I was most scared to go through. This one was probably the one I had the most resistance to See and this one was most probably that which was keeping me from accepting my power.
It did happen though and I came out of it in Victory. I defeated the demon. I got through the strong wall of the ignorance of the mind.
I realized what I love the most was the weakness of the divine in a human body. What a huge realization.

I thought about the story of The Lonely King who was looking for the One to replace him. I heard it in a video of Mooji.
Every body was allowed to come and apply and they must have gone through stages of preparation in order to get to see the King at the end. Some had found their purpose in the Royal Baths and built business in that place, some had found their purpose in the Royal Wardrobe, designing Royal Garments and established business, Some had found their purpose in the Royal Stable by established businesses of riding the horse, some had found their purpose in the Royal Court, busy fighting each other and getting ready to become the new ministers. In each place there were some established businesses and there were people who found their purposes and were not interested in seeing the King at the end of the whole process. There was nobody to find in the last stage though that was the Temple of Holiness. There was only the cleaning boy to find there. The little 12 years old boy who was cleaning the room as from his childhood and sitting there in the corner waiting for the Lord to come.  He was the only One Fits and still is.

Only This One is Fit

There is only one ONE. This is the reason this one is called The ONE.
The One who had been given the Omnipotence and the One who is running away from one's Omnipotence as it means one's responsibility for the One's human suffering, One's weakness and One's damaged human body on a cross.

Thank you Lord, Father, All, Everything, Me, I, Eye for this experience, for choosing me, for seeing the significance of my being NOTHING.
Help me open my heart in your LOVE, help me open my heart to Self Love. Help me Love myself for my weaknesses and for my mistakes and my failures. Open my eyes to my whole abilities. Give me strength to take full responsibility. Help me get healed from all the wounds.


This Divine plan is so beautifully set.
Only in Loving your weakness, and accepting your weakness, will your power be gained.
The Sophia, The Divine Wisdom.

What a Greatness is present in that so called weakness, seen from the human point of view. Of course only in becoming Great, that greatness shows itself, manifest itself.

The One person called Jesus, who came to show god, what is its weakness. The one who is called names like, fagot or chicken, he manifested the absolute greatness of being a human and Divine at the same moment in the same body.
A human-being who is not even afraid of the death and not even afraid of the pain and human suffering in his path of allowing the divine to present its greatness.
He is called weakness, he is called a fagot and he is called a chicken by those who are so small in their beings that are still running around like headless chickens in fear of not having money, in fear of disease, in fear of suffering, in fear of tomorrow and that which it brings and in fear of death.


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